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South Lake Pain Institute

Pain Medicine & Anesthesiology located in Clermont, FL

It’s estimated that severe headaches and migraines affect 1 in 6 Americans, including 20% of women compared with 10% of men. The doctors at South Lake Pain Institute offer holistic health care for headaches, customizing your treatment to target the underlying cause and providing multimodal treatment options. To get relief from your headache pain, call our office in Clermont, Florida, or book an appointment online.

Headache Q & A

What are the different types of headaches?

There are many types of headaches that fall into two categories. Primary headaches are caused by a problem in your head, such as chemical activity in your brain and issues with nerves, blood vessels, or muscles in your head and neck.

The most common primary headaches include:

Tension headache

A tension headache, the most common type of headache, tends to be mild to moderate and usually responds well to over-the-counter pain relievers.


As the second-most common type of headache, migraines cause severe pain on one or both sides of your head that can last for days. Migraines also cause other symptoms such as nausea, upset stomach, and sensitivity to light, noise, or odors.

Cluster headaches

Their name refers to these severe headaches that strike in clusters, often up to eight times daily for two weeks to three months. Cluster headaches cause constant and intense pain that’s described as burning or stabbing.

A secondary headache comes from an underlying health condition. Many problems lead to secondary headaches, including sinus infections, head injuries, and blood vessel disease.

What is occipital neuralgia?

Occipital neuralgia is a headache that begins in the occipital nerves, which originate near the top of your spine in your neck. Occipital neuralgia is unique because it can be primary or secondary.

When occipital neuralgia is a secondary headache, it may come from several conditions, including nerve compression, degenerative disc disease, infection, and diabetes.

What symptoms will I develop with occipital neuralgia?

Symptoms of occipital neuralgia include a continuous aching or throbbing pain or an intermittent shooting pain.

The pain starts at the base of your skull and spreads to the back, front, and side of your head. Neck movements may trigger your pain, and your scalp may be tender to touch.

How are headaches treated?

Your doctor at South Lake Pain Institute develops a customized treatment plan based on the type and severity of your headaches. These are a few examples of possible treatments:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Preventive medications
  • Dietary changes
  • Stress reduction
  • Relaxation training
  • Nerve blocks
  • Medications that block pain pathways
  • Steroid or botulinum toxin injections

Your doctor may also prescribe medications to prevent your headaches when they occur three or more times a month.

If you suffer from frequent, recurring, or severe headaches, call South Lake Pain Institute or book an appointment online.